PrivacyLast updated 20. May 2019Back to main page

Your privacy is important to us. That is why we have developed this page which will describe how we collect, process and store your personal information. We do not want to hide anything and only collect information that is elementary to the operation.


A cookie is small amounts of data stored in your browser. These cookies may, for example, contain login details or personal preferences that remember how you want to display the website.

Personal information

When you create a user account with us, we store your desired username, email address, password and IP address. This is to be able to make your user account unique just for you. Parts of the game will require that we register your mobile number which we consider very important in order to be able to limit that one person creates several user accounts.

This information is stored in a secure data center bounded by personal access. Passwords are always stored in an encrypted state which should be very difficult to decrypt.


By creating a user account with us, you agree that we can collect, process and store this information.